DB - Budget Policy
DB - Budget PolicyDevelopment and Adoption
ItThe isBoard recognizes that financial resources and the policyproper management of the Boardsame toare presentfundamental to the voterssupport of school programs and operations. With this in mind, the Board will develop and present an annual operating budget as directed by applicable laws.
The annual budget will be for a budget12-month thatperiod is both responsive tocovering the needsfiscal ofyear theJuly school1 systemthrough andJune fiscally responsible.30.
A. The Board shall, prior to December 1 of each fiscal year, hold a budget planning workshop the purpose of which is to:
Consider items which Board members feel should be included in the new budget;Review current year’s finances and the Superintendent’s preliminary year end projection;Review Superintendent’s projections for the upcoming budget;Agree on budget parameters to be followed in developing the upcoming budget;Set a date for public input for consideration in budget development;Set a date and method for public presentation of the budget;Establish a date for the public referendum on the budget.
B. The Board shall instructdesignate the Superintendent toas develop aits budget timelineofficer, thatbut insuresthe Superintendent may delegate portions of such responsibility as appropriate.
Responsibilities of the budget developmentofficer processare isbudget conductedpreparation, inbudget an orderlypresentation and deliberatebudget manner so as to honor the dates established above.administration.
C. The Board authorizes the Superintendent to establish administrative procedures for the development of the district budget that include input from staff and administrators as he/she deems necessary and appropriate.
D. The Superintendent shall prepare for the Board’s review and consideration a budget document that includes:
A transmittal letter giving an overview of the budget, detailing significant budget issues, explaining the budget development process, and including other comments and information he/she deems appropriate;A summary of anticipated revenues and projected expenditures;Sufficient detail and supplemental information to allow the Board and the public to understand and appreciate the budget.
E. The Superintendent shall instruct the Directors of the Adult Education program and the School Lunch program to submit a budget for their respective operations, including a projection of revenues and expenditures, for inclusion in the district budget.
Legal Reference:
20-A ChapterMRSA 103,§ SubChapter1301 4(MSAD)
20-A MRSA § 1701 (CSD)
20-A MRSA § 1482 (RSU)
20-A MRSA § 1902 (UN)
20-A MRSA § 15617 et seq. (ALL)
Cross Reference:
DB-R Budget Development and Adoption Administrative Procedure
Policy Adopted: March 5,20, 19752024
Policy Revised: October 3, 1979, December 3, 1986, October 15, 1997 and November 2, 2005