DJB - Purchase Orders
DJB - Purchase Orders - DJB
The Board of Directors recognizes that goods and services are purchased throughout the year and require different options for purchasing power. In all cases, approval must be obtained by the Superintendent or designee.
Purchase orders serve as requisitions to purchase goods and services. Purchase orders shall be prepared at the direction of an administrator or director, initialed and submitted to the Superintendent for approval. A purchase order is required for all purchases over $200 and must indicate shipping costs in the final total.
For purchases under $200 from local vendors, a Local Vendor Form may be used. These forms must be pre-approved by the administrator and submitted to the Superintendent with sales slips/invoices attached.
Occasionally, an employee will request reimbursement for goods and services purchased without a purchase order. An Employee Reimbursement Form is used when a company will not accept a purchase order or charge card. The Administrator and the Superintendent must provide pre-approval and indicate the spending limit for the purchase. The Employee Reimbursement may not be used as an open purchase order and will not be reimbursed until purchasing is complete.
The School Nutrition Director shall be authorized to purchase without a purchase order.
Under the regulation of the Superintendent, open purchase orders may be maintained for the purchase of consumable supplies (Home Economics) or short term, planned maintenance projects (painting) or local bookstore agreements. Maintenance of equipment may be authorized by the Administration with the approval of the Superintendent through an open purchase account.
Contracts for supplies or services such as gas and oil shall serve as open purchase orders for the duration of the contract.
The Superintendent’s Office may maintain a petty cash fund not to exceed $300.00. A careful accounting of all funds in this account shall be available at all times. No purchase from this account, except postage, shall exceed $60.00.
Charge cards for certain local vendors are maintained at the Superintendent’s Office and may be used by an employee purchasing goods and services for a school or program and returned immediately to the office with sales slips and invoices.
Employees purchasing without permission or following the proper procedure may be obligated to assume the debt incurred.
Legal References: 5MRSA 1743-A
Policy Adopted: March 5, 1975
Policy Revised: October 3, 1979, December 3, 1986, April 7, 1999, February 4, 2004 and August 5, 2009