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Food Service Program - EF

Food Service Program - EF

The Board of Directors acknowledges that the link between nutrition and learning is well documented. The Board believes that healthy eating is essential to physical and intellectual development and a well planned and implemented school nutrition program can positively influence student eating habits. Healthy eating patterns are essential for students to achieve their full academic potential and for their physical and mental growth. The Board, therefore, authorizes the Superintendent to establish a district food service program to ensure that all students have affordable access to the varied and nutritious foods they need to stay healthy and learn well. 

While the goal of the foodservice program is to be self-supporting, it is an essential educational and support activity and this goal must not take precedence over the nutritional needs of the students.

A La Carte Menu at Marshwood High School

The a la carte menu is designed to be cost-effective for the District and provide nutritious foods and choices for students. The Director of Food Service will be responsible for implementing administrative procedures that conform to Federal and State requirements and will also be responsible for informing and communicating to students and families information relative to the available food services at Marshwood High School. 

Payment for Meals

The Director of Food Services, under the direction of the Superintendent, shall be responsible for operating the program in accordance with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations and with Board Policy. All school programs shall offer varied and nutritious foods and beverages that are consistent with Federal nutrition requirements. Menu input from students, parents and staff is welcome and can be done through the Director, Central Office and/or the Wellness Committee. Information about the ingredients and nutritional value of the foods served should be available upon request.

Food pricing strategies shall conform to federal and state regulations and be designed to encourage the purchase of nutritious foods. It is the expectation in MSAD #35 schools that when school lunch is desired unless a student qualifies for free lunches, payment is expected at the time lunch is obtained. The Director may implement a pre-payment system in the schools if appropriate. 

Should meals be “charged” and there is difficulty in obtaining payment from a student, the matter is to be resolved by direct contact between the Director or School Administrators and the student’s family or if the student is 18 years of age or older, with the student. The Director shall submit the name of any habitual offender to the school principal if further action is required.

Any student unable to pay for a meal shall be offered an alternate meal consisting of a sandwich and milk.

Free and Reduced Price Food Services

MSAD #35 will advise parents of the availability of free and reduced food programs and the eligibility criteria. MSAD #35 shall establish and implement procedures regarding participation in the programs for free and reduced-price meals including procedures for the collection of meal receipts that will ensure the anonymity of students who are eligible to receive free or reduced-priced meals.

In accordance with the guidelines for participation in these programs and in accordance with the wishes of the Board, no child who is believed to be improperly nourished shall be denied a free lunch or, other food, simply because a proper application has not been received from the parents or guardian(s). 



DOE Rule Chapter 51 

Cross Reference: EFE – Competitive Food Sales

Policy Adopted: May 17, 1995

Policy Revised: December 7, 2005 and January 20, 2010