EFC - School Nutrition Services: Free School Meals for All Students
The Board recognizes that sound nutrition is essential to students’ physical and social-emotional well-being and their readiness to learn.
MSAD #35 will participate, as feasible, in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program and other food programs (e.g. After School Snacks and summer food programs) reimbursable through federal funds.
Beginning with the 2022-2023 school year, in accordance with Maine State Law, MSAD #35 will provide free school meals to all students regardless of family income. Such meals will meet the nutritional requirements established in federal regulations.
In order to maximize funding for schools and to be able to identify additional benefits for which families may be eligible, parents will be asked to complete an application for free and reduced price meals.
Students are still free to bring their own breakfast or lunch to school and/or to purchase a la carte items. All a la carte items must be paid for in advance or at the time of purchase.
In the event of a change in State statute, the District reserves the right to rescind this policy to ensure financial responsibility.
Legal Reference:
20-A MRSA § 6601 et seq.
EF – Nutrition Services: Unpaid Meal Charges and Prohibition on Food Shaming
Policy Adopted: March 20, 2024