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Naming New and Existing Facilities - FF

Naming New and Existing Facilities - FF

The Board believes that the naming of a school facility is a matter of importance that deserves thoughtful attention.

The Board considers facilities to include, but not be limited to, buildings, athletic fields, stadiums, gymnasiums, libraries, and multi-purpose rooms. In selecting a name, the Board may consider individuals, geographical locations, general features of the area in which the school or facility is located and other names that are deemed appropriate by the Board. If the facility is named for an individual, that individual must have made an outstanding contribution to the community, region, state or nation. 

While the Board is responsible for the naming and renaming of all school facilities, the Board directs the Superintendent to establish a committee composed of administrators, parents, community members, employees, a Board member and, when applicable, students to suggest names. Although the Board will consider all recommendations, final authority rests with the Board.

The following guidelines apply to the naming of school facilities: 

A. Names should have special meaning to citizens and be supportive of educational and community values; 

B. The traditions of the facility and its intended use should be considered; 

C. Facilities may not be named for businesses or organizations;

D. When naming discrete areas within a facility, similar considerations apply, keeping in mind the relative significance of the area to the entire facility;

E. As an alternative, the committee may consider a plaque to recognize significant contributions to MSAD #35.



Policy Adopted: July 25, 2007

Policy Revised: February 24, 2010