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Public Conduct on School Property - KFC

Public Conduct on School Property - KFC

M.S.A.D. #35’s playgrounds, fields, walkways and other outdoor areas are maintained through public funds.  In order to provide for use of outdoor areas when school is not in session while keeping such areas in a condition appropriate for school activities, the Board adopts the following rules for public recreational use:

A. All use of school facilities by groups or organizations must be approved and conducted in accordance with the Board’s facilities use policy, KF.

B. Casual recreational use of school grounds is permitted between sunrise and sundown.

C. Casual use shall not interfere in any way with school activities or activities scheduled through the Board’s facilities use policy.

D. Children should be supervised by an adult at all times.

E. Bicycles and vehicles are limited to parking lots and paved roadways.

F. Only district authorized vehicles and vehicles registered to be driven on the street and driven by a licensed driver may be operated on school property at any time.

G. No smoking/use of tobacco products is allowed on school property.

H. No possession, use, sale, or distribution of alcoholic beverages or illegal substances is allowed.

I. No possession of weapons is allowed.

J. Animals other than service animals used to assist individuals with disabilities or being trained to do so are not allowed on school grounds. An exception can be made by a school principal to allow an animal to be present on school grounds for educational purposes.

K. Litter must be placed in trash barrels.

L. Equipment is to be used properly.

The Superintendent or building administrator/designee may request the assistance of law enforcement as necessary to deal with persons violating this policy.  Local law enforcement authorities will be asked to take notice of persons engaging in illegal or disruptive behavior on school grounds.



Cross Reference: KI - Visitors to the Schools 

Policy Adopted: September 1, 1971

Policy Revised: May 4, 1977, January 19, 1994 and July 19, 2013