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ARTICLE IV - Meetings

Sec. 1 - Meetings

All meetings shall be run in accordance with the Maine Freedom of Access Act.  (MRSA T 1 Chapter 13 §401)

Sec. 2 - Quorum

Quorum:  A majority of the School Board Members shall constitute a quorum.  Each member shall have one vote.  A quorum is required to pass any motion.

Sec. 3 - Board Organizational Meeting

Board Organizational Meeting:  The annual organizational meeting shall be the second regular Board meeting in June.  At that meeting, a Board Chair and Vice-Chair shall be elected to serve a one year term of office.                    

A. Three Board members shall be elected by the Board to serve on the Facilities and Finance Committee for one year. 

B. Three Board members shall be elected by the Board to serve on the Negotiations Committee for one year.

C. Three Board members shall be elected by the Board to serve on the Educational Policy Committee for one year and school administrators will serve as advisors.

D. Three Board members shall be elected by the Board to serve on the Wellness / SEL Committee for one year and school administrators will serve as advisors.

Sec. 4 - Regular Meetings

Regular meetings:  Shall be held the first and third Wednesday of the month unless otherwise agreed upon.  Meetings which fall during school vacations will be rescheduled.  Normal meetings will be held in the Learning Center at Marshwood High School unless otherwise planned in order to accommodate safety, or other needs or requirements.  Meetings will usually begin at 7:00 pm.  All meetings shall cease at 10 PM unless the majority of the Board votes in the affirmative to suspend this rule.

Sec. 5 - Special Meetings

Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Superintendent of Schools and the Chair of the Board.  Public notice is required as provided by the Maine Freedom of Access Act. 

Sec. 6 - Workshops

Workshops may be called as needed, a quorum is not necessary, and no binding decisions can be made.  Public notice is required.  The public is welcome, but no public participation is allowed.

Sec. 7 - Executive Sessions - BEC

Executive Sessions may be called in accordance with the Maine Freedom of Access Act for the purpose of discussing confidential matters. No public participation is allowed.


Article Revised:  July 14, 2010, August 29, 2012, August 28, 2013, October 20, 2021


Cross Reference: KDB - Public’s Right to Know/Freedom of Access