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Athletic Coach Evaluations GCFA-R

Athletic Coach Evaluations GCFA-R

The purpose of the coach evaluation process is to promote the development and improvement of our coaching staff.  In order to ensure that development and improvement takes place, the following evaluation process shall be followed:

A. Coaches shall be formally evaluated in each of their first 2 years of coaching employment, and every two years thereafter.

B. Evaluations will be the responsibility of the Athletic Administrator, with review by the Principal, and shall include:

      1. Written documentation of observations of practices and athletic events
      2. A written evaluation of overall performance in 4 areas:

a. Professional and Personal Qualities/Skills and Knowledge

b. Coaching Responsibilities

c. Public Relations

C. Evaluations shall be shared with and signed by the individual coaches, and a copy will be placed in the coach’s personnel file.




Cross Reference: Stipend (Extracurricular) Positions - GCFA


Policy Adopted:  June 5, 2002

Policy Revised:   July 14, 2010