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Curriculum Development and Adoption - IGA

Curriculum Development and Adoption - IGA

As defined in Maine Department of Education rules, “curriculum” means MSAD #35’s written document that sets forth the learning expectations for all students for all content areas of Maine’s system of Learning Results, as well as for other content areas as specified by the Board.  

The MSAD #35’s curriculum shall reflect continuous, sequential and specific instruction aligned with the content areas of the Maine Learning Results.

Through its curriculum, the schools will provide courses and/or learning experiences that support multiple pathways for learning, accommodate variety of learning styles, provide multiple options for students to demonstrate proficiency, and prepare students for responsible citizenship and success in a global society. 

The Board recognizes that curriculum development, review and evaluation is an ongoing process, and that programs and practices may need to be adjusted or revised to meet educational standards, to reflect community aspirations and values, and to serve the best interests of students.

In development, revision and evaluation of curriculum, the Board expects that:

A. School administrators and staff will be sensitive to initiatives and other changing conditions that may require modifications in curriculum.

B. All programs will be subject to ongoing review and evaluation to ensure that they meet the instructional needs of students.

C. The school system will undertake intensive curriculum revision as needed.

D. The Superintendent/designee will take the lead in the ongoing curriculum development and review process and in aligning the alignment of curriculum with educational standards and with advances in knowledge, educational research and “best practices.”

E. Curriculum development and revision will be achieved with appropriate involvement of administrators, instructional and support staff, students, parents, community and the Board.

The Curriculum Director is expected to develop plans and timelines as necessary for the development, implementation and evaluation of the curriculum and to provide the Board with an annual report on the status of the curriculum. 

The Curriculum Director, under the supervision of the Superintendent, is expected to make recommendations concerning professional development, instructional materials and resources needed for curriculum implementation, consistent with Board policy.




Me. Dept. of Ed. Rule Chapters 125, 127


Cross Reference: ADF-School Unit Commitment to the Learning Results

IJJ-Instructional and Library-Media Materials Selection                           


Policy Adopted: January 17, 1979

Policy Revised: December 2, 1998, December 19, 2007, October 20, 2010, September 01, 2021