Section I – Instruction
IGA - Curriculum Development and Adoption
IGA - Curriculum Development and Adoption As defined in Maine Department of Education rules, “cu...
IGA-R - Curriculum Development - Process for Change Recommendations
IGA-R - Curriculum Development - Process for Change Recommendations The Board’s policy on curric...
IHBA - Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)
IHBA - Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) It shall be the policy of MSAD #35 to maintain a...
IHBAA - Referral and General Education Interventions
IHBAA - Referral and General Education Interventions It shall be the policy of MSAD #35 to refer...
IHBAA-R - Referral Procedures and General Education Interventions
IHBAA-R - Referral Procedures and General Education Interventions MSAD #35 shall refer to the IE...
IHBAC - Child Find
IHBAC - Child Find M.S.A.D. #35 seeks to ensure that all children within its jurisdiction who ar...
IHBAI - Independent Educational Evaluations (IEEs)
IHBAI - SPECIAL EDUCATION INDEPENDENT EVALUATION (IEEs) MSAD 35 has adopted this policy regardin...
IHBAK - Life Sustaining Emergency Care
IHBAK - Life Sustaining Emergency Care A primary concern of M.S.A.D. #35 shall be with the healt...
IHBB - Gifted and Talented Education
IHBB - Gifted and Talented Education Philosophy The Board recognizes the importance of identify...
IHBEA - Program for English Language Learners
IHBEA - Program for English Language Learners The Board recognizes the need to provide a program...
IHBEA-R - LAU Plan Legal Foundation for Providing Effective Educational Services to English Le...
IHBG - Home Schooling
IHBG - Home Schooling Parents/guardians who wish to have their children fulfill the compulsory s...
IHBGA - Home Schooling - Participation in School Programs
IHBGA - Home Schooling - Participation in School Programs The Board acknowledges the provisions ...
IHCD - Advanced College Placement
IHCD - Advanced College Placement It is the belief of the Board that any student who is capable ...
IHCDA - Post-Secondary Enrollment Options
IHCDA - Post-Secondary Enrollment Options The intent of this policy is to establish the requirem...
IHD - Marshwood Adult & Community Education
IHD - Marshwood Adult & Community Education An educational program for adults shall be establish...
IHD-R - Marshwood Adult & Community Education - Procedures
IHD-R - Marshwood Adult & Community Education - Procedures Two high school credentialing program...
IIB - Class Size
IIB - Class Size The M.S.A.D. #35 Board of Directors is committed to maintaining class sizes tha...
III - Independent Study
III - Independent Study Independent study coursework is not intended to be used to substitute fo...
IJJ - Instructional and Library-Media Materials Selection
IJJ - Instructional and Library-Media Materials Selection The Board is legally responsible for a...
IJJ-E1 - Challenge of Instructional Materials Form
Challenge of Instructional Materials Form - IJJ-E1 Type of Material: _____ Book _____ M...
IJNDB - Student Computer and Internet Use
IJNDB - Student Computer and Internet Use MSAD #35 computers, network, and Internet access are p...
IJNDB-R - Student Computer and Internet Use Rules
IJNDB-R Student Computer and Internet Use Rules These rules accompany Board policy IJNDB (Studen...
IJNDC - Website/Web Pages - M.S.A.D. #35
IJNDC - Website/Web Pages - M.S.A.D. #35 M.S.A.D. #35 maintains an official website to provide g...
IJNDC-E - Guidelines Governing the Publishing of Student Information on the M.S.A.D. #35 Website
IJNDC-E - Guidelines Governing the Publishing of Student Information on the M.S.A.D. #35 Websit...
IJNDC-R - Website Guidelines - M.S.A.D. #35
IJNDC-R - Website Guidelines - M.S.A.D. #35 A. Website Purpose The purpose of M.S.A.D. #35’s of...
IJOA - Field Trips and Excursions
IJOA - Field Trips and Excursions The Board recognizes the educational value of field trips and ...
IJOC - School Volunteers
IJOC - School Volunteers The Board supports the use of community resources, including voluntee...
IJOC - Volunteer/Visitor Sign In Form
Please click the link below to access a printable PDF version of the IJOC – Volunteer/Visitor Sig...
IJOC-E1 - Level 1 Volunteer Agreement Form
M.S.A.D. #35 Superintendent of Schools’ Office 180 Depot Road, Eliot, ME 03903 I understand t...
IJOC-E2 - Levels 2 & 3 Volunteer Application Form
M.S.A.D. #35 Superintendent of Schools’ Office 180 Depot Road, Eliot, ME 03903 THE FOLLOWING ...
IK - Evaluation of Student Achievement
IK - Evaluation of Student Achievement Effective evaluation of student achievement is essential ...
IKB - Homework
IKB - Homework The Maine School Administrative District #35 Board of Directors acknowledges that...
IKE - Promotion, Retention and Acceleration of Students
IKE - Promotion, Retention and Acceleration of Students It is the intent of the MSAD #35 Board o...
IKF - Graduation Requirements
IKF - Graduation Requirements Before entering high school, students need to know the performance...
IKFB - Policy for Participation in Graduation Ceremony
IKFB - Policy for Participation in Graduation Ceremony A student who has completed local and sta...
ILA - Student Assessment
ILA - Student Assessment The Board recognizes that Maine law requires each school administrative...
ILD - Educational Research: Student Submission To Surveys, Analyses, or Evaluations
ILD - Educational Research: Student Submission To Surveys, Analyses, or Evaluations In this pol...
IMB - Teaching About Controversial Issues
IMB - Teaching About Controversial Issues Policy Statement Students are exposed to a wide rang...
IMBB - Exemption from Required Instruction
IMBB - Exemption from Required Instruction The curriculum of MSAD #35 is designed to reflect the...
IMC - Guest Speakers in Schools
IMC - Guest Speakers in Schools The Board encourages school administrators and teachers to invit...
IMD - Religious Expression in the Schools
IMD - Religious Expression in the Schools Provisions of both the United States and Maine constit...
IMDA - Pledge of Allegiance
IMDA - Pledge of Allegiance In order to foster appreciation and respect for the flag as a symbol...
IMDB - Flag Displays
IMDB - Flag Displays In accordance with Maine state law, the United States and Maine flags are t...