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IJOC - School Volunteers

IJOC - School Volunteers - IJOC

The Board supports the use of community resources, including volunteers, to complement and support instructional programs and extracurricular activities in the schools. Volunteers work in partnership with, under the supervision of, and at the request of school administrators and staff.

The purposes of the volunteer program are to:

  1. Assist teachers in providing more individualized instruction and enrichment opportunities for students; assist staff with school projects; supervise or chaperone student activities; and perform clerical work;
  2. Build an understanding of and support for school programs among interested citizens; and
  3. Strengthen school/community relations.  

Prospective volunteers must complete all required steps in order to gain the requested level of volunteer clearance. Applications will be screened and approved by the District Administration.

The Superintendent and school principal are authorized to use their discretion to decline an application or terminate the services of a volunteer if they determine it is in the best interests of the school department.  

The school principal must approve all volunteer assignments before volunteers begin work.  The supervising staff member is responsible for giving volunteers a clear understanding of the duties, procedures and expectations necessary to perform their assignments.

Volunteer Service Levels

Level 1: General Volunteers – have no direct or extended contact with students.  

Examples of general volunteers include, but are not limited to, speakers, program guests, field day assistants, CEO/Principal for a Day participants; judges of student competitions such as science fairs and talent shows; and test monitors.

Field Trip Exception – Background checks will not be required of daytime field trip chaperones that accompany school personnel on local field trips when the volunteer is under the supervision of district personnel.

Level 2: Monitored Volunteers – have direct but limited contact with students, during school hours, in a supervised environment.  

Examples of monitored volunteers include, but are not limited to, classroom assistants, school office/cafeteria assistants, classroom reading groups, and overnight field trip chaperones that are under the supervision of school personnel (e.g. Pinkham Notch Camp).

Level 3: Unmonitored Volunteers – have direct and/or extended contact with students, both before and after school hours, without the presence and direct supervision of district personnel.  

Examples of unmonitored volunteers include, but are not limited to, overnight chaperone not under the direct supervision of a district staff member, athletic assistants or coaches, extracurricular assistants or coaches, before or after-school one-to-one tutors and/or mentors at school or away from the school, and group mentors at school or away from the school.

Screening Provisions for Volunteer Service Levels

Level 1: General Volunteers

Application and Criminal background checks are not required. All Level 1 Volunteers must complete the MSAD 35 Volunteer Agreement Form.  In addition, Schools shall check all level 1 Volunteers against the Maine Sex Offender Registry.

Level 2: Monitored Volunteers

All Level 2 Volunteers must complete the MSAD 35 Volunteer Agreement Form. A criminal background check, excluding fingerprinting, and completion of a Volunteer Application are required. The prospective volunteer must also sign a statement indicating that he/she has never been convicted of any crime or violation against a minor.

At the discretion of the principal or supervisor, the volunteer may begin the volunteer activity prior to completion of the background check.  A prospective volunteer who refuses to submit to the required background check shall not provide volunteer services.

Level 3: Unmonitored Volunteers

An MSAD 35 Volunteer Agreement Form, A Maine Criminal History Records Check, (including fingerprinting), and completion of a Volunteer Application are required. The Maine C.H.R.C. certificate is valid for 5 years and is provided by the State of Maine for a fee.  Level 3 Volunteers approved by MSAD 35 will be reimbursed by the district for the cost of the Criminal History Records Check. The prospective volunteer must also sign a statement indicating that he/she has never been convicted of any crime or violation against a minor.

Unmonitored volunteers SHALL NOT be allowed to perform their duties while MSAD 35 awaits the results of the criminal background check. A prospective volunteer who refuses to submit to the required criminal background check and/or to agree to be fingerprinted shall not provide volunteer services.

All volunteers who are approved to work with students and/or in support of school programs are expected to comply with the following requirements.

  1. Volunteers shall attend any required volunteer orientation/training sessions provided by the school department.
  2. Volunteers shall perform only such duties and tasks specifically approved and assigned by an administrator or supervising staff member.
  3. Volunteers must keep all student and staff information strictly confidential.  Volunteers may not access, review, disclose or use confidential student or staff information without specific authorization from a school administrator.   This requirement applies even after a volunteer stops performing services for the schools.
  4. Volunteers will conduct themselves in a professional manner and comply with all Board policies, school rules and directions from school personnel.
  5. In accordance with Maine law, a member of the Board or a member’s spouse may not serve as a volunteer when he/she has primary responsibility for a curricular or extracurricular program or activity and reports directly to the Superintendent or a school administrator.  



Cross References: EEAG - Student Transportation in Private Vehicles

IJOA - Field Trips and Excursions


Policy Adopted: November 19, 2008

Policy Revised: April 25, 2012 and October 21, 2015