JJE-R - Student Fundraising Activities Administrative Procedure
JJE-R - Student Fundraising Activities Administrative Procedure
The purpose of this policy is to set guidelines for student groups that raise funds.
In order to engage in fundraising activities, student groups in M.S.A.D. #35 must:
A. Use the district’s tax-exempt numbers;
B. Receive prior approval from the building principal for all fundraising events/activities to be conducted. The building principal may approve a sequence of fundraising events in one application.
C. Receive prior approval from the Board for all annual fundraising activities that are envisioned to be held annually, to be conducted on or off school grounds. Once the event has been approved by the Board as an annual activity, it will require only an annual approval by the building principal;
D. Submit all fundraising materials (letters to the public, flyers, etc.) to the building principal for approval before distributing such materials;
E. Receive prior approval for expenditures over $500 (for equipment or other items to benefit school programs) from the Athletic Director or building principal;
F. Recognize that all equipment/purchases made by student groups become the property of M.S.A.D. #35.
Policy Adopted: July 16, 2014