Section J – Students
JC - School Attendance Areas
JC - School Attendance Areas The Board shall determine the attendance areas served by schools wi...
JEA - Compulsory Attendance
JEA - Compulsory Attendance Under state law, full-time school attendance is required of all chil...
JEAA - School Attendance/Student Absences and Tardiness
JEAA - School Attendance/Student Absences and Tardiness Regular school attendance is essential t...
JFAA - Admission of Resident Students
JFAA - Admission of Resident Students The Maine School Administrative District (MSAD #35) shall ...
JFAA-E1 - Admission of Resident Students Procedure (for Students enrolling in School for the First Time)
JFAA-E1 - Admission of Resident Students Procedure(for Students enrolling in School for the First...
JFAA-E2 - Admission of Resident Students Procedure for Transfer and Home School Students
JFAA-E2 - Admission of Resident Students Procedurefor Transfer and Home School Students Admissi...
JFAB - Admission of Non-Resident Private Tuition Students
JFAB - Admission of Non-Resident Private Tuition Students The M.S.A.D. No. 35 Board of Directors...
JFAB-E - Admission of Non-Resident Private Tuition Students Application for MSAD#35
JFAB-E - Admission of Non-Resident Private Tuition Students Application for MSAD#35 Date: ______...
JFABD - Education of Homeless Students
JFABD - Education of Homeless Students MSAD #35 recognizes its statutory obligation to provide a...
JFABD-E1 - Education of Homeless Students Notice
JFABD-E1 - Education of Homeless Students Notice Homeless students are eligible to enroll in sch...
JFABD-E2 - Sample Housing Information Form
JFABD-E2 - Sample Housing Information Form Your answers will help determine if the student meets...
JFABD-E3 - Written Notification of Decision
JFABD-E3 - Written Notification of Decision (To be completed by school district) This form is t...
JFABD-E4 - Model Local Dispute Resolution Process
JFABD-E4 - Model Local Dispute Resolution Process Introduction: Under the McKinney-Vento Homele...
JFABD-R - Education of Homeless Students Procedure
JFABD-R - Education of Homeless Students Procedure A. Homeless Education Liaison The Superinten...
JFC - Dropout Prevention Student Withdrawal From School
JFC - Dropout Prevention Student Withdrawal From School The Board strongly urges school administ...
JLCE-E - MSAD #35 Accident Report
MSAD #35 Accident Report
JLCDB - Naloxone (Narcan) in Schools
JLCDB - Naloxone (Narcan) in Schools Purpose It is the intent of MSAD #35 to prevent opioid-r...
JGAA - Assignments of Students to Classes - Five Year Olds
JGAA - Assignments of Students to Classes - Five Year Olds Maine law permits children who are at...
JGAB - Assignment of Students to Classes: Transfer Students and Home Schooling Students
JGAB - Assignment of Students to Classes:Transfer Students and Home Schooling Students The princ...
JHB - Truancy
JHB - Truancy I. Definition A student is truant if they are required to attend school or alt...
JIC - STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT Promoting ethical and responsible student behavior is an essential...
JIC-E1 - Report of Dangerous Behavior by Student
JIC-E1 - Report of Dangerous Behavior by Student 1. Name of Reporter: _________________...
JIC-R - Procedure Addressing Reports of Dangerous Student
JIC-R - Procedure Addressing Reports of Dangerous Student This procedure describes the proces...
JICA -Student Dress - Effective School Year 2023-2024
JICA - Student DressEffective School Year 2023-2024 The Board recognizes that the responsibility...
JICC - Student Conduct on Buses
JICC - Student Conduct on Buses The law does not relieve parents/guardians of students from the ...
JICEC - School Sponsored and Non-School-Sponsored Student Publications
JICEC - School Sponsored and Non-School-Sponsored Student Publications It is beneficial to the e...
JICH - Drug and Alcohol Use by Students
JICH - Drug and Alcohol Use by Students The Board of Directors and staff of the school unit supp...
JICIA - Weapons, Violence and School Safety
JICIA - Weapons, Violence and School Safety The School Board believes that students and staff ar...
JICIA-E1 - Report of Dangerous Behavior by Student
MSAD #35 JICIA-E1 - Report of Dangerous Behavior by Student 1. Name of Reporter: _____...
JICIA-R - Procedure Addressing Reports of Dangerous Student
JICIA-R - Procedure Addressing Reports of Dangerous Student This procedure describes the pro...
JICK - Bullying
JICK - Bullying The Board believes that bullying, including cyberbullying, is detrimental to s...
JICK-E1 - Bullying Report Form
JICK-E1 - MSAD # 35 - Bullying Report Form Date the alleged bullying incident(s) is reported: ...
JICK-E2 - Bullying Investigation And Response Form
JICK-E2 - MSAD #35 - Bullying Investigation And Response Form Date the alleged incident of bully...
JICK-E3 - Bullying: Summary of Disciplinary and Remedial Actions
JICK-E3 - Bullying: Summary of Disciplinary and Remedial Actions This page is for use when a su...
JICK-E4 - Bullying Reporting, Investigation and Intervention/Resolution Process
JICK-E4 - MSAD #35 Bullying Reporting, Investigation and Intervention/Resolution Process Print...
JICK-E4 - FlowChart-Bullying Reporting, Investigation and Intervention/Resolution Process
JICK-R - Bullying - Administrative Procedure
JICK-R - Bullying - Administrative Procedure This procedure is intended as guidance for school a...
JIH - Questioning and Searches of Students
JIH - Questioning and Searches of Students The School Board seeks to maintain a safe and orderly...
JIH-E - Student Search Checklist
JIH-E - Student Search Checklist This checklist is to be completed for each individualized stude...
JIH-R - Questioning and Searches of Students Administrative Procedure
JIH-R - Questioning and Searches of Students Administrative Procedure The purpose of this admini...
JJC - Student Performances
JJC - Student Performances Some courses or components within the District’s Visual and Performin...
JJE - Student Fundraising Activities
JJE - Student Fundraising Activities The Board recognizes that it is responsible for providing t...
JJE-EI - Application For Fundraising at School Events
JJE-EI - MSAD #35 – Application For Fundraising at School Events Name of Organization: _________...
JJE-R - Student Fundraising Activities Administrative Procedure
JJE-R - Student Fundraising Activities Administrative Procedure The purpose of this policy is to...
JJEA - Student Solicitation
JJEA - Student Solicitation The MSAD #35 Board of Directors recognizes the value of students par...
JJIA - Eligibility for Participation in Extracurricular and Interscholastic Activities at MSAD #35 Schools
JJIA -Eligibility for Participation in Extracurricular and Interscholastic Activities at MSAD #35...
JJIB - Interscholastic Athletics: Club Sports, Individuals Sports
JJIB - Interscholastic Athletics: Club Sports, Individuals Sports Club Sports There are instan...
JJIBB - Sportsmanship Conduct for Competition
JJIBB - Sportsmanship Conduct for Competition The MSAD 35 Board of Directors believes that compe...
JJIBC - Relations with Booster Groups and PTOs
JJIBC - Relations with Booster Groups and PTOs MSAD #35 recognizes the role of Board approved or...
JJIBC-E1 - Booster Group Application Form
JJIBC-E1 - MSAD #35 Booster Group Application Form Name of Booster Organization: _______________...
JJIBC-E2 - PTO and Booster Group Proposed Budget, Fundraising Activities Spending Plan
JJIBC-E2 - PTO and Booster Group Proposed Budget, Fundraising Activities Spending Plan Printab...
JJIBC-E3 - Application for Fundraising at School Events or Representing MSAD #35 in Fundraising Endeavors
JJIBC-E3 - Application for Fundraising at School Events or Representing MSAD #35 in Fundraising E...
JJIBC-E4 - Booster and PTO Request for Unbudgeted Expenditure Approval
JJIBC-E4 - Booster and PTO Request for Unbudgeted Expenditure Approval Booster club expenditures...
JJIBC-E5 - Annual Fundraising Report
JJIBC-E5 - MSAD #35 Annual Fundraising Report This form and the attached required documents are ...
JJIBC-R - Financial Responsibilities of School Approved Groups - Administrative Procedure
JJIBC-R - Financial Responsibilities of School Approved Groups - Administrative Procedure The pu...
JJID - Physical Examinations of Students Who Participate in Interscholastic Athletics
JJID - Physical Examinations of Students Who Participate in Interscholastic Athletics All studen...
JJIF - Management of Concussions and Other Head Injuries
JJIF - MANAGEMENT OF CONCUSSION AND OTHER HEAD INJURIES The Board recognizes that concussions an...
JJIF-R - Management of Concussions and Other Head Injuries Procedures
JJIF-R - Management of Concussions and Other Head Injuries Procedures These procedures are estab...
JK - Student Discipline
JK - Student Discipline It is essential for schools to maintain a safe and orderly environment w...
JKAA - Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion
JKAA - Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion The MSAD #35 School Board has adopted this policy...
JKAA-R - Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion Procedure
JKAA-R - Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion Procedure These procedures are established for ...
JKD - Suspension of Students
JKD - Suspension of Students The School Board delegates to the principals the authority to suspe...
JKE - Expulsion of Students
JKE - Expulsion of Students No student shall be expelled from school except by action of the Boa...
JKE-R - Expulsion Guidelines
JKE-R - Expulsion Guidelines I. EXPULSION HEARING AND RE-ENTRY GUIDELINES The following s...
JKF - Disciplinary Removal of Students with Disabilities
JKF - Disciplinary Removal of Students with Disabilities When removing students with disabilitie...
JKF-R - Disciplinary Removal of Students with Disabilities Administrative Procedure
JKF-R - Disciplinary Removal of Students with Disabilities Administrative Procedure These proc...
JL - Student Wellness
JL - Student Wellness The Board recognizes that student wellness and good nutrition are related ...
JLA - Student Accident and Athletic Insurance
JLA - Student Accident and Athletic Insurance The Board of Directors of MSAD #35 will annually m...
JLA-E1 - Student Accident and Athletic Insurance Form
JLCB - Immunization of Students
JLCB - Immunization of Students All children enrolled in MSAD #35 are required by Maine law to h...
JLCB-E1 - Request for Medical Exemption form Mandatory Immunization
Printable PDF linked below! --------> Medical_Exemption_form_Mandatory Immunization_JLCB-E...
JLCB-E2 - Immunization Signature Form for Enrollment
JLCB-E2 - Immunization Signature Form for Enrollment I. My child is fully immunized and proof h...
JLCB-E3 - MSAD 35 Vaccination Catch Up Plan
JLCB-E3 - MSAD 35 Vaccination Catch Up Plan Vaccine Date Date Date Date ...
JLCB-E4 - Immunization Exemption Form IEP
JLCB-E4 - Immunization Exemption Form IEP Student Name: _______________________________ Date of ...
JLCB-R - Maine School Immunization Requirements
JLCB-R - Maine School Immunization Requirements All children enrolled in MSAD #35 are required b...
JLCC - Communicable/Infectious Diseases
JLCC - Communicable/Infectious Diseases Teachers shall be alert to signs of illness and communic...
JLCD - Administration of Medication to Students
JLCD - Administration of Medication to Students The Board discourages the administration of medi...
JLCD-E1 - Administration of Medication to Students on School Field Trips
JLCD-E1 - Administration of Medication to Students on School Field Trips Any unlicensed personne...
JLCD-E2 - Administration of Medication to Students Authorization Form
JLCD-E2 - Administration of Medication to Students Authorization Form To be completed by the ch...
JLCDA - Medical Marijuana in Schools
JLCDA - Medical Marijuana in Schools The Board recognizes that there may be some students in the...
JLCDA-E1 - Medical Marijuana Parent/Provider Request Form to Administer at School
JLCDA-E1 - Medical Marijuana Parent/Provider Request Form to Administer at School A. To be com...
JLCE - First Aid and Medical Emergency Care
JLCE - First Aid and Medical Emergency Care As defined in the Maine School Health Manual, first ...
JLCE-R - First Aid Administrative Procedure
JLCE-R - First Aid Administrative Procedure The building principal or his/her designee shall be ...
JLDB - Student Assistance Teams(SAT)
JLDB - Student Assistance Teams(SAT) The Student Assistance Teams (SAT) of MSAD #35, in schools ...
JLDBG - Reintegration of Students from Juvenile Correctional Facilities
JLDBG - Reintegration of Students from Juvenile Correctional Facilities Maine law requires the e...
JLF - Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
JLF - Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect I. Definitions A. Child abuse or neglect. Child abuse ...
JLF-E - Suspected Child Abuse/Neglect Report Form
JLF-E - Suspected Child Abuse/Neglect Report Form Any employee of MSAD #35 who suspects that a c...
JLF-R - Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect – Administrative Procedure
JLF-R - Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect – Administrative Procedure This procedure implements t...
JLFA - Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Response
JLFA - Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Response The Board recognizes that Maine law requires e...
JLFA-E - Suspected Child Sexual Abuse Report Form
JLFA-E - Suspected Child Sexual Abuse Report Form Any employee of MSAD #35 who suspects that a c...
JLFA-R - Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Response Procedure
JLFA-R - Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Response Procedure The Maine legislature requires sch...
JLIB - Student Dismissal Precautions
JLIB - Student Dismissal Precautions The Board of Directors seeks to safeguard students by requi...
JRA - Student Education Records and Information
JRA - Student Education Records and Information The MSAD #35 School Department shall comply wit...
JRA-E1 - Annual Notice of Student Education Records and Information Rights
JRA-E1 - Annual Notice of Student Education Records and Information Rights The Family Educationa...
JRA-E2 - Denial of Consent to Release Student Information (Marshwood High School)
JRA-E2 - Denial of Consent to Release Student Information (Marshwood High School) Federal law a...
JRA-E3 - Denial Of Consent To Release Student Information (For Elementary and Middle Schools)
JRA-E3 - Denial Of Consent To Release Student Information (For Elementary and Middle Schools) F...
JRA-R - Student Education Records and Information Administrative Procedure
JRA-R - Student Education Records and Information Administrative Procedure This administrative p...
JICJ - Student Use of Cell Phones and other Electronic Devices
JICJ - Student Use of Cell Phones and other Electronic Devices The Board recognizes that many s...
JJIF-E Marshwood Concussion Protocol
JIE - PREGNANT STUDENTS The Board has adopted this policy to comply with its obligations not to ...
JLCF - Pediculosis (Head Lice) in Schools
JLCF - Pediculosis (Head Lice) in Schools Head lice (pediculosis) are a nuisance, but they are n...