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JJEA - Student Solicitation

JJEA - Student Solicitation

The MSAD #35 Board of Directors recognizes the value of students participating in humanitarian efforts, and wishes to encourage altruistic behavior and generosity in our schools. The Board believes that one of the cornerstones of a good education is learning to contribute meaningfully to society. Therefore, the Board supports students who recognize a humanitarian need and who wish to make a positive donation of time or resources in order to help.

The Board also understands that students have different levels of resources available, and is concerned with protecting students from feeling pressure to contribute to an organization outside our schools. While the Board wishes to encourage service to others, it also wants to be mindful of what each student or family is able to contribute. The Board does not want any student to feel awkward or uncomfortable if he or she does not contribute to a humanitarian effort. It is the intent of the Board to support student responsibility and generosity, while at the same time protect the privacy of all students. 

Therefore, the solicitation of funds in the schools by outside groups is prohibited. Recognized school organizations may sponsor fundraising events for humanitarian agencies provided that:

  1. The project is under full school control;
  2. The project has the approval of the building principal;
  3. The project has been selected by the sponsoring organization as one in which students wish to participate;
  4. Students are made aware that participation is voluntary;
  5. No pressure is extended on students to participate;
  6. Any active solicitation of students will take place outside of instructional time.
  7. The project has a designated collection location approved by the administration.


Policy Reviewed: May 17, 1995

Policy Revised: September 7, 2005

Policy Revised: December 21, 2005