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JJIBC-E3 - Application for Fundraising at School Events or Representing MSAD #35 in Fundraising Endeavors

JJIBC-E3 - Application for Fundraising at School Events or Representing MSAD #35 in Fundraising Endeavors

Name of Organization/Booster Group: ______________________ Date: _______________

Contact Person: _______________________ Benefitting District School : ________________

E-mail Address: _________________________________   Phone #’s: ________________


1.  Please describe the fundraising proposal in detail.  


2.  Please specify the location and dates of each activity.    


3.  Who will be involved?


4.  How will this benefit our students?


5.  What assistance, if any might be required of the school?  


6.  Will there be advertising involved?  If yes, list methods (posters, social media, etc) that will be utilized.


7.  What safeguards will be in place for raffles/lotteries, 50/50’s to insure a fair and unbiased drawing


Please check one of the following:

❒ This fundraiser is for this year only.

❒ This fundraiser will be an annual event.  (Requires Board approval.)

❒ This fundraiser has been previously approved as an annual event.

Principal's Signature: ________________________________ Date: ____________________

(An annual financial report is attached. Please submit this to the Building Principal by June 30 of the current year.)