JJIF - Management of Concussions and Other Head Injuries
The Board recognizes that concussions and other head injuries are potentially serious and maycould result in significant brain damage and/or death if not recognized and managed properly. The Board further acknowledges that a student may suffer a concussion during any activity during the school day or outside of school. The Board adopts this policy to promote the safety of studentsall participatingstudents, regardless of where or when the head injury occurred, in school-sponsoredMSAD physical35 activities,schools, includingPreK-grade curricular12.
The athleticfollowing activities,definitions includingshall apply for the purpose of this policy.
Concussion: A concussion is a traumatic brain injury caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head that can change the way the brain normally works. Concussions can occur from a fall or a blow to the head or body that causes the head and brain to quickly move back and forth.
Concussion Management Team: A Concussion Management Team (CMT), appointed by the superintendent or head of school, may include, but is not limited to interscholasticthe sports/intramuralfollowing: activities. school administrator, school nurse, athletic administrator, school counselor, and school physician. The Team shall oversee the implementation, graduated school reentry protocols, and make recommendations related to implementation and review of this policy. This team may be combined with another existing student support team within the school or school administrative unit.
Graduated school reentry: Graduated school reentry is a gradual and coordinated return to school activities following a concussion. It is an individualized, flexible plan developed by the Concussion Management Team or designee with input from the student, parents, and medical provider.
Medical clearance: Medical clearance includes a written statement from a health care provider licensed to diagnose a concussion, who is trained in the treatment and management of concussions, which allows a student to start the school’s graduated school reentry plan and/or graduated return to play protocol.
School: School means any public school and any private school enrolling more than 60% of its students at public expense in the State of Maine.
School personnel: School personnel include any persons working within and on behalf of the school in a supervisory role to students during school sponsored activities including volunteers in a student supervisory role, such as athletic coaches.
ByPrior Julyto 1stthe beginning of each year,sports season, athletics-related school personnel (including volunteers) identified by the Athleticschool Directorunit’s willConcussion identifyManagement Team must be made aware of this policy and protocols related to the school-sponsoredmanagement athleticof activitiesconcussive injuries and must participate in concussion awareness training that poseincludes recognizing signs and symptoms that may suggest a risk of concussionconcussive or other head injury. A list of these activities will be distributed to school administratorsinjury and coaches.
All coaches, including volunteer coaches, must undergo traininginstruction in the identification and managementuse of concussivegraduated andschool otherreentry headprotocols. injuries prior to assuming their coaching responsibilities. TheThis training must be consistent with such protocols as may be identified or developed by the Maine Department of Education (DOE) and include instruction in the use of such forms as the DOE may develop or require..
Coaches shall be requiredPrior to undergo refresher training every year.
Student and Parent Information
At the beginning of each sportsschool season,year, studentsnon-athletics whorelated willschool personnel (for example, physical education teachers, school nurses, personnel with recess duty) identified by the school unit’s CMT, must be made aware of this school policy and protocols related to the management of concussive injuries and must participate in concussion awareness training that includes recognizing signs and symptoms that may suggest a concussive or other head injury. This training must be consistent with protocols as identified or developed by the Maine Department of Education (DOE).
Prior to participating in school-sponsoredany school athletic activitiesactivity, andall their parentsstudents will be provided information in the student handbook regarding including:
A. The risk of concussion and other head injuries and the dangers associated with continuing to participate when a concussion or other head injury is suspected;
B. The signssigns, symptoms and symptomsbehaviors ofassociated with concussion and other head injuries; and
C. MSADThe #35’school administrative unit’s protocols for 1) removal of the student from the activity when athe student is suspected of having sustained a concussion or other head injury, 2) evaluation, 3) medical clearance, and 3)4) returngraduated toschool participationreentry in the activity (“return to play”). protocols.
The student and his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) must sign a statement acknowledging that they have received and read this information before the student will beis allowed to participate in any school-sponsoredschool athletic activity.
It is the responsibility of theall staffschool personpersonnel responsibletrained forin the activitysigns, symptoms and behaviors related to concussion or other head injury, to act in accordance with this policy when the staffthat person recognizes that a student may be exhibiting such signs, symptoms and behaviors associated with a concussion and/or otherbehaviors.
Any student suspected of having sustained a concussion or other head injury during school or a
school-sponsoredschool athletic activityincluding but not limited to competition, practice or scrimmage,must be removed from the activityimmediately.immediately and evaluated by a qualified school personnel. -
Any student suspected of having sustained a concussion or other head injury is prohibited from further participation in any school activities until he/she is evaluated by the school nurse or other school personnel trained in such evaluation, such as an athletic trainer who is able to determine if referral to a licensed health care provider is necessary.
The student and his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) will be informed of the
needreferral to a licensed health care provider forana medical evaluation for possible concussion or brain injury before the studentwill beis allowed to begin the graduated school reentry and/or graduated return totheplayactivity.protocol, and then full participation in learning, recess, physical education, and any school activities. -
No student
will beis permitted to return to the activity or to participate in any otherschool-sponsored athleticschool activity on the day of the suspected concussion. -
AnyIf referral to a licensed health care provider is necessary, the studentwhowillis suspected of having sustained a concussion or other head injury shall be prohibited from further participation in school-sponsored athletic activities until he/she has been evaluated and receivedrequire written medical clearanceto do sofrom a licensed health care providerwho isqualified and trained in concussion management.CoachesTheandstudentotherisschoolalsopersonnelrequiredshalltocomply withcomplete thestudent’s health care provider’s recommendations in regard to gradualgraduated return toparticipation.schoolNo student will be permitted to return to full participation (competition) until cleared to do so.More than one evaluation by the student’s health care provider may be necessary before the student is cleared for full participation.If -
School personnel should be alert to cognitive and academic issues that may be experienced by
studentsa student whohavehas suffered a concussion or other headinjury,injury including but not limitedtoto: difficulty with concentration, organization, long-and-short termmemorymemory, and sensitivity to bright lights and sounds.Personnel -
School personnel shall accommodate a
gradualgraduated school reentry protocol for return to full participation in all academic activities as appropriate, based on therecommendationsrecommendation of the student’s concussion trained health care provider and appropriate designated schoolpersonnel,personnel (e.g.Guidance,504Administration,Coordinator,SchoolschoolNurse,nurse).etc. -
No student is
involvedpermittedwithtothisreturnastowell.full participation in extra-curricular school activities until fully returned to his/her academic program. -
If at any time during the gradual return to school process the student exhibits signs, symptoms or behaviors of concussion, the student must be removed from the activity for that day and follow the graduated school reentry protocol.
Cognitive Considerations
Once a referral to a health care provider has been made by the school nurse, athletic trainer, or other health services personnel, the student must receive written clearance from a health care provider licensed to diagnose a concussion who is trained in the treatment and management of concussions. The medical clearance allows a student to begin the graduated school reentry protocol.
The Superintendent will appoint a concussionConcussion managementManagement teamTeam including a school administrator to be responsible, under the administrative supervision of the Superintendent, to make recommendations related to implementation and review of this policy. The concussionConcussion managementManagement teamTeam will include the Athleticschool Directornurse and schoolathletic nurseadministrator and may include one or more principals or assistant principals, the school physician and such other school personnel or consultants as the Superintendent deems appropriate.
AThe copyTeam ofshall oversee and implement this policy and related protocols for concussive head injuries based on the currently accepted best practices. The Team, under the direction of the superintendent, shall identify the school personnel who shall be includedtrained in allconcussion school, parent,signs and employeesymptoms handbooksand orthe otherwiseschool distributedactivities covered by this policy.
The Board recognizes how serious concussions are and the need for improved understanding of concussions in our schools and their impact on learning and school attendance. The school unit will track the number of concussions, activity associated with the injury, number of school days missed, and other information determined necessary by the Concussion Management Team. The CMT will review this data and make recommendations to allthe schoolBoard employeesas needed.
Legal Reference:
20-A MRSA§254(17)
Cross Reference:
JJIF-R - Management of Concussions and students.Other Head Injuries Procedures
Policy Adopted: February 27, 2013
Policy Revised: April 10, 2024