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JLCE-R - First Aid Administrative Procedure

JLCE-R - First Aid Administrative Procedure

The building principal or his/her designee shall be notified immediately of an injury to any student in the school building or on the school premises.

A report of the injury and first aid given shall be made in writing, with a copy sent to the Superintendent and a duplicate copy retained in the school files.

If the student is to be sent home, the Principal/School Nurse/designee shall first determine if the parent or guardian is at home to receive the student.

The student should not be sent home unless some responsible person in the household is there to receive him/her.  In case the student is not able to go home unassisted, the principal shall require the parent to pick up the child or shall provide proper supervision in seeing that the child is escorted safely home.

Depending on the injury, the Principal/School Nurse/Designee may recommend evaluation by the family’s Primary Care Provider. If the injury is severe, 911 will be called for ambulance transportation to the nearest hospital.

The parent shall be responsible for any fees incurred through these services.


20-A MRSA § 4009


Policy Adopted: February 12, 2014

Policy Reviewed: June 28, 2023