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97 total results found
JICEC - School Sponsored and Non-School-Sponsored Student Publications
JICEC - School Sponsored and Non-School-Sponsored Student Publications It is beneficial to the educational mission of the school for students to express their own views concerning a wide variety of topics and issues and share them in an appropriate manner wit...
JICH - Drug and Alcohol Use by Students
JICH - Drug and Alcohol Use by Students The Board of Directors and staff of the school unit support a safe and healthy learning environment for students which is free of the detrimental effects of drugs and alcohol. Accomplishing this goal requires a cooperat...
JICIA - Weapons, Violence and School Safety
JICIA - Weapons, Violence and School Safety The School Board believes that students and staff are entitled to learn and work in a school environment free of violence, threats and disruptive behavior. Students are expected to conduct themselves with respect fo...
JICK - Bullying
JICK - Bullying The Board believes that bullying, including cyberbullying, is detrimental to student well-being and to student learning and achievement. It interferes with the mission of the schools to educate their students and disrupts the operations of t...
JICK-E1 - Bullying Report Form
JICK-E1 - MSAD # 35 - Bullying Report Form Date the alleged bullying incident(s) is reported: Name of complainant/reporter (by law, reports may be anonymous): __________________________________________________________________________ Status of reporter: ...
JICK-E2 - Bullying Investigation And Response Form
JICK-E2 - MSAD #35 - Bullying Investigation And Response Form Date the alleged incident of bullying was reported: ____________________________ Name of person investigating alleged incident(s): _____________________________ Position/title of investigator: __...
JICK-E3 - Bullying: Summary of Disciplinary and Remedial Actions
JICK-E3 - Bullying: Summary of Disciplinary and Remedial Actions This page is for use when a substantiated incident of bullying is entered into the Report of Substantiated Incident of Bullying in the Maine Department of Education’s NEO data reporting system....
JICK-E4 - Bullying Reporting, Investigation and Intervention/Resolution Process
JICK-E4 - MSAD #35 Bullying Reporting, Investigation and Intervention/Resolution Process Printable PDF version availible linked below! --------> Bullying Reporting, Investigation and Intervention_Resolution Process - JICK-E4.pdf
JICK-E4 - FlowChart-Bullying Reporting, Investigation and Intervention/Resolution Process
JICK-R - Bullying - Administrative Procedure
JICK-R - Bullying - Administrative Procedure This procedure is intended as guidance for school administrators in carrying out their responsibilities when bullying is alleged to have occurred. It provides important definitions as well as steps for reporting, i...
JIH - Questioning and Searches of Students
JIH - Questioning and Searches of Students The School Board seeks to maintain a safe and orderly environment in the schools. School administrators are authorized to question and/or search students in accordance with this policy and accompanying administrative...
JIH-E - Student Search Checklist
JIH-E - Student Search Checklist This checklist is to be completed for each individualized student search incident as soon as possible after the search. Name/Title of Person Performing Search and Completing Form: __________________________________________...
JIH-R - Questioning and Searches of Students Administrative Procedure
JIH-R - Questioning and Searches of Students Administrative Procedure The purpose of this administrative procedure is to provide guidelines for the conduct of student questioning and searches by school administrators. These are guidelines only and may be adju...
JJC - Student Performances
JJC - Student Performances Some courses or components within the District’s Visual and Performing Arts curriculum include performance requirements that students must complete in order to earn credit or points toward passing the course. Some of these require...
JJE - Student Fundraising Activities
JJE - Student Fundraising Activities The Board recognizes that it is responsible for providing through the budget process the resources necessary to support MSAD #35’s instructional program. However, the Board acknowledges that student organizations may wish ...
JJE-EI - Application For Fundraising at School Events
JJE-EI - MSAD #35 – Application For Fundraising at School Events Name of Organization: ____________________________________ Date: ____________ Contact Person: __________________________________________ School: ___________ Address: __________________________...
JJE-R - Student Fundraising Activities Administrative Procedure
JJE-R - Student Fundraising Activities Administrative Procedure The purpose of this policy is to set guidelines for student groups that raise funds. In order to engage in fundraising activities, student groups in M.S.A.D. #35 must: A. Use the district’s tax...
JJEA - Student Solicitation
JJEA - Student Solicitation The MSAD #35 Board of Directors recognizes the value of students participating in humanitarian efforts, and wishes to encourage altruistic behavior and generosity in our schools. The Board believes that one of the cornerstones of a...
JJIB - Interscholastic Athletics: Club Sports, Individuals Sports
JJIB - Interscholastic Athletics: Club Sports, Individuals Sports Club Sports There are instances when parents, students and/or staff members may wish to participate in/or sponsor a team sport that is not part of the district’s program, on a “club basis”. I...
JJIBB - Sportsmanship Conduct for Competition
JJIBB - Sportsmanship Conduct for Competition The MSAD 35 Board of Directors believes that competition should be a healthful, positive and safe experience for everyone who is involved. Further, the Board believes that such events should occur in an environmen...