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JJE - Student Fundraising Activities

JJE - Student Fundraising Activities

The Board recognizes that it is responsible for providing through the budget process the resources necessary to support MSAD #35’s instructional program. However, the Board acknowledges that student organizations may wish to engage in fundraising in order to support their activities, to provide funding for social events and/or student travel, to benefit the school or community, or for humanitarian purposes. 

It is the purpose of this policy to provide guidelines for student participation in fundraising activities.

A. Fundraising Guidelines

The following general guidelines apply to fundraising by student organizations. These guidelines and additional considerations shall apply to student participation in fundraising conducted for other purposes. 

  1. All student fundraising activities must be approved in advance by the building principal. There must be sufficient educational or financial benefits to the school and/or students to justify the fundraising activity.

  2. Student fundraising activities must be supervised by a building administrator, teacher or activity advisor.

  3. The activity must be one in which schools and students may appropriately engage, and must not subject the schools or students to unnecessary risk or responsibility. In the event there is a question regarding the appropriateness of a proposed activity or the proposed fundraising activity is one that is new to the school system, the building principal shall consult with the Superintendent.

  4. Participation by students shall be voluntary. 

  5. The activity must not be unduly demanding of student or staff time or work. Neither students nor staff should miss instructional time to plan or implement fundraising activities, acquire, demonstrate or distribute products, solicit sales, or to collect or record monies. Students may participate in fundraising activities during non-instructional time, such as lunch periods and before and after school.

  6. There shall be no mandatory quotas for product sales or donations.

  7. Class time will not be used for distribution of promotional materials.

  8. Students participating in fundraising activities are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with Board policies, school rules and the student code of conduct.

  9. In the interest of student safety, activities involving door-to-door solicitation by students are prohibited. 

  10. Club and class dues shall be determined by the club or class officers in consultation with the club or activity advisor. The building principal shall have final authority over the setting of club and class dues.

  11. The building administrator and teachers or advisors supervising fundraising activities will be responsible for collecting, monitoring, depositing into and disbursing funds raised in accordance with the Board’s policy DFF, Student Activities Funds Management (or other applicable policy code and title).

B. Solicitation of Funds By and From Students for Humanitarian or Charitable Organizations

Student fundraising may be conducted to benefit humanitarian or charitable organizations or purposes only as follows:

  1. The fundraising activity or charity drive must be sponsored by a recognized school club or student organization and approved in advance by the building principal. 

  2. The activity or drive must be supervised by a building administrator or teacher.

  3. Instructional time should not be used for planning or soliciting funds.

  4. Class time should not be used for distribution of promotional materials.

  5. Participation in or donation to any fundraising activity shall be optional. Under no circumstances will any student be compelled to participate or donate, or be penalized for not participating or donating.

  6. Fundraising activities must be conducted in accordance with the guidelines in Section A of this policy.

  7. The building administrator or teacher charged with supervising the fundraising activity or drive will be responsible for collecting, monitoring and disbursing funds raised. Use of any student activity account must be in accordance with the Board’s policy DFF (or other code), Student Activities Funds Management.

C. Use of Students in PTO/Parent Group Fundraisers

The Board recognizes that PTOs and other parent groups may wish to involve students in fundraising activities. The following provisions apply to student participation in such activities:  

  1. Any fundraising activity sponsored by a PTO or other parent group that involves student participation must be approved in advance by the building principal and be conducted in consultation with the building principal and staff.

  2. Participation should provide a positive experience for students.

  3. Participation by staff and students shall be voluntary.

  4. Instructional time will not be used for fundraising activities or solicitations.

  5. All activities must be conducted in accordance with the fundraising guidelines in Section A of this policy.

D. Coordination of Fundraising Activities

PTOs, boosters and other parent groups are encouraged to coordinate their fundraising activities with student organization-initiated fundraisers in order to avoid burdening local businesses and the community. 

The Board encourages the use of a fundraising calendar at each school to assist in spreading fundraisers over the school year.


Cross Reference: 

EFE - Competitive Food Sales

JJIBC - Relations with Booster Groups, PTOs and 501C3 Groups

DFF - Student Activities Funds


Policy Adopted: November 20, 1991

Policy Revised: November 3, 1999; June 15, 2005; November 28, 2012; and July 16, 2014; June 24, 2024