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IJOC - Volunteer/Visitor Sign In Form

RSU #35 Board Policies Section I – Instruction

Please click the link below to access a printable PDF version of the IJOC – Volunteer/Visitor Sig...

Under development! (Pardon the dust)

RSU #35 Board Policies Section H – Negotiations

Section H of MSAD 35 Board Policies has no content at this time, but as it is created will be add...

Updated 1 year ago by Reilly Greenlaw

Appendix C - Medical Evaluation and Follow-Up - Bloodborne Pathogen Policy

RSU #35 Board Policies Section G – Personnel

Appendix C - Medical Evaluation and Follow-Up  Employee Name: __________________________________...

Updated 1 year ago by Reilly Greenlaw

Appendix B - Universal Precautions - Bloodborne Pathogen Policy

RSU #35 Board Policies Section G – Personnel

Appendix B - Universal Precautions In order to provide a consistent approach in managing body su...

Updated 1 year ago by Reilly Greenlaw

Appendix A - Informed Consent/Decline for Hepatitis B Vaccination - Bloodborne Pathogen Policy

RSU #35 Board Policies Section G – Personnel

Appendix A - Informed Consent/Decline for Hepatitis B Vaccination I, the undersigned employee, h...

Updated 1 year ago by Ryan Feit

GCOA-R - Supervision and Evaluation of Professional Staff Procedures

RSU #35 Board Policies Section G – Personnel

GCOA-R - Supervision and Evaluation of Professional Staff Procedures 

Updated 1 year ago by Therese Letellier

GCOA - Supervision and Evaluation of Professional Staff

RSU #35 Board Policies Section G – Personnel

GCOA - Supervision and Evaluation of Professional Staff A well-planned and systematic program of...

GCFA - Stipend (Extracurricular) Positions

RSU #35 Board Policies Section G – Personnel

GCFA - Stipend (Extracurricular) Positions All stipend position assignments are for one school y...

GBIA - Staff Participation in Political Activities

RSU #35 Board Policies Section G – Personnel

GBIA - Staff Participation in Political Activities  The Board believes in the principles of demo...

GBEBB - Staff Conduct with Students

RSU #35 Board Policies Section G – Personnel

GBEBB - Staff Conduct with Students The Maine School Administrative District No. 35 Board of Dir...

GBGE - Return to Work and Light Duty Assignments

RSU #35 Board Policies Section G – Personnel

GBGE - Return to Work and Light Duty Assignments  The Board of Directors of MSAD #35 believes th...

GBJC - Retention of Application Materials

RSU #35 Board Policies Section G – Personnel

GBJC - Retention of Application Materials State and federal law permit submission of complaints ...

GCQC - Resignation of MSAD #35 Employees

RSU #35 Board Policies Section G – Personnel

GCQC - Resignation of MSAD #35 Employees The Board authorizes the Superintendent to accept all e...

GCJ - Professional Staff Probation and Continuing Teacher Contracts

RSU #35 Board Policies Section G – Personnel

GCJ - Professional Staff Probation and Continuing Teacher Contracts Under Maine Law, certified p...

GCF - Professional Staff Hiring

RSU #35 Board Policies Section G – Personnel

GCF - Professional Staff Hiring Through its employment policies, the Board shall attempt to attr...

GCI - Professional Staff Development Opportunities

RSU #35 Board Policies Section G – Personnel

GCI - Professional Staff Development Opportunities The Board recognizes the importance of develo...

GBJ - Personnel Records and Files

RSU #35 Board Policies Section G – Personnel

GBJ - Personnel Records and Files  M.S.A.D. #35 shall maintain records of current and former emp...

GBO - Family Care Leave

RSU #35 Board Policies Section G – Personnel

GBO - Family Care Leave This policy governs employee leave under 26 M.R.S.A. § 636, “An Act to C...

GBN - Family and Medical Leave

RSU #35 Board Policies Section G – Personnel

Employees are entitled to family and medical leave under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act...

Updated 1 year ago by Elaine Robinson

GCFA - Employee Social Media Privacy

RSU #35 Board Policies Section G – Personnel

GCFA - Employee Social Media Privacy For the purpose of this policy, “social media account” mean...