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JICA -Student Dress - Effective School Year 2023-2024
JICA - Student DressEffective School Year 2023-2024 The Board recognizes that the responsibility...
JKAA-R - Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion Procedure
JKAA-R - Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion Procedure These procedures are established for ...
JKAA - Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion
JKAA - Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion The MSAD #35 School Board has adopted this policy...
JJIA - Eligibility for Participation in Extracurricular and Interscholastic Activities at MSAD #35 Schools
JJIA -Eligibility for Participation in Extracurricular and Interscholastic Activities at MSAD #35...
JJID - Physical Examinations of Students Who Participate in Interscholastic Athletics
JJID - Physical Examinations of Students Who Participate in Interscholastic Athletics All studen...
JJIBC-R - Financial Responsibilities of School Approved Groups - Administrative Procedure
JJIBC-R - Financial Responsibilities of School Approved Groups - Administrative Procedure The pu...
JJIBC-E5 - Annual Fundraising Report
JJIBC-E5 - MSAD #35 Annual Fundraising Report This form and the attached required documents are ...
JJIBC-E4 - Booster and PTO Request for Unbudgeted Expenditure Approval
JJIBC-E4 - Booster and PTO Request for Unbudgeted Expenditure Approval Booster club expenditures...
JJIBC-E3 - Application for Fundraising at School Events or Representing MSAD #35 in Fundraising Endeavors
JJIBC-E3 - Application for Fundraising at School Events or Representing MSAD #35 in Fundraising E...
JJIBC-E2 - PTO and Booster Group Proposed Budget, Fundraising Activities Spending Plan
JJIBC-E2 - PTO and Booster Group Proposed Budget, Fundraising Activities Spending Plan Printab...
JJIBC-E1 - Booster Group Application Form
JJIBC-E1 - MSAD #35 Booster Group Application Form Name of Booster Organization: _______________...
JJIBC - Relations with Booster Groups and PTOs
JJIBC - Relations with Booster Groups and PTOs MSAD #35 recognizes the role of Board approved or...
JJIBB - Sportsmanship Conduct for Competition
JJIBB - Sportsmanship Conduct for Competition The MSAD 35 Board of Directors believes that compe...
JJIB - Interscholastic Athletics: Club Sports, Individuals Sports
JJIB - Interscholastic Athletics: Club Sports, Individuals Sports Club Sports There are instan...
JJEA - Student Solicitation
JJEA - Student Solicitation The MSAD #35 Board of Directors recognizes the value of students par...
JJE-EI - Application For Fundraising at School Events
JJE-EI - MSAD #35 – Application For Fundraising at School Events Name of Organization: _________...
JJC - Student Performances
JJC - Student Performances Some courses or components within the District’s Visual and Performin...
JIH-R - Questioning and Searches of Students Administrative Procedure
JIH-R - Questioning and Searches of Students Administrative Procedure The purpose of this admini...
JIH-E - Student Search Checklist
JIH-E - Student Search Checklist This checklist is to be completed for each individualized stude...
JIH - Questioning and Searches of Students
JIH - Questioning and Searches of Students The School Board seeks to maintain a safe and orderly...