Recently Updated Pages
GCOA - Supervision and Evaluation of Professional Staff
GCOA - Supervision and Evaluation of Professional Staff A well-planned and systematic program of...
GCFA - Stipend (Extracurricular) Positions
GCFA - Stipend (Extracurricular) Positions All stipend position assignments are for one school y...
GCQC - Resignation of MSAD #35 Employees
GCQC - Resignation of MSAD #35 Employees The Board authorizes the Superintendent to accept all e...
GCFB-R - Recruiting and Hiring of Administrative Staff Procedures
GCFB-R - Recruiting and Hiring of Administrative Staff Procedures These procedures implement Bo...
GCFB - Recruiting and Hiring of Administrative Staff
GCFB - Recruiting and Hiring of Administrative Staff The Board affirms its commitment to t...
GCJ - Professional Staff Probation and Continuing Teacher Contracts
GCJ - Professional Staff Probation and Continuing Teacher Contracts Under Maine Law, certified p...
GCF - Professional Staff Hiring
GCF - Professional Staff Hiring Through its employment policies, the Board shall attempt to attr...
GCI - Professional Staff Development Opportunities
GCI - Professional Staff Development Opportunities The Board recognizes the importance of develo...
GCFA - Employee Social Media Privacy
GCFA - Employee Social Media Privacy For the purpose of this policy, “social media account” mean...
GCSA-R - Employee Computer, Electronic Device, and Internet Use Rules
GCSA-R - Employee Computer, Electronic Device, and Internet Use Rules These rules implement Boa...
GCSA - Employee Computer, Electronic Device, and Internet Use
GCSA - Employee Computer, Electronic Device, and Internet Use MSAD # 35 computers, networks, a...
GCFA-R - Athletic Coach Evaluations
GCFA-R - Athletic Coach Evaluations The purpose of the coach evaluation process is to promote t...
EEA - Transportation
EEA - Transportation The Board of Directors will furnish school bus transportation to all elemen...
Student Transportation in Private Vehicles Form
Student Transportation in Private Vehicles Form This form is to be completed and forwarded to th...
EEAG - Student Transportation in Private Vehicles
EEAG - Student Transportation in Private Vehicles Since school buses are one of the safest forms...
EF - Nutrition Services: Unpaid Meal Charges and Prohibition Against Food Shaming
EEAEAA-R - Drug and Alcohol Testing of School Bus Drivers - Administrative Procedure
EEAEAA-R - Drug and Alcohol Testing of School Bus Drivers - Administrative Procedure The Board o...
EEAEAA - Drug and Alcohol Testing of School Bus Drivers
EEAEAA - Drug and Alcohol Testing of School Bus Drivers In accordance with the federal Omnibus T...
EGAD-R - Copyright Compliance Administrative Procedure
EGAD-R - Copyright Compliance Administrative Procedure This administrative procedure summarizes...
EGAD - Copyright Compliance
EGAD - Copyright Compliance The Board expects all employees and students in M.S.A.D. #35 to co...