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150 total results found
ARTICLE IX - Bylaws Sec. 1- Amendments: These Bylaws may be amended by voting at any regular or special meeting provided that previous notice of the first reading of the amendment was given to all members one meeting prior to the vote. Sec. 2 - Bylaw Re...
MSAD 35 BYLAWS: Article X - Addenda
Article X - Addenda Sec. 1 - New Board of Directors Orientation - BIA In order that newly elected Board members may cast informed votes and function effectively as Board members, the Board and Superintendent will extend to them the fullest measures of cour...
CHD - Administration in the Absence of Policy
CHD - ADMINISTRATION IN THE ABSENCE OF POLICY In the event that administrative action must be taken but the Board has provided no guidance through policy, the Superintendent shall have the power to act. The Superintendent shall inform the Board of actions ta...
CC - Administrative Organization
CC - Administrative Organization The legal authority of the Board of Directors shall be transmitted through the Superintendent along specific lines from position to position as shown in the Board-approved organizational chart of the school system. The lines ...
CGD - Federal Funds
CGD - Federal Funds The Board requires the appropriate use of federal funds. All applications for federal funds must be approved by the Board of Directors. All materials purchased with federal funds will be marked and inventoried in names that enable the id...
DJE - Bidding Requirements
DJE - Bidding Requirements A. All purchases of and contracts for supplies, materials and equipment shall be subject to competitive bid wherever possible whenever such action is in the best interests of the district in the opinion of the Superintendent. M.S.A....
DC - Borrowing in Anticipation of Revenue
DC - Borrowing in Anticipation of Revenue Maine law allows a Board of Directors to borrow money to pay for current operating expenses of the district if the loans are repaid within 13 months of the date of borrowing and are limited to an amount reasonably req...
DJE-R - (For School Unit Procurements Using Federal Awards Subject to Uniform Grant Guidance) - Federal Procurement Manual for Maine School Units Administrative Procedure
DJE-R - (For School Unit Procurements Using Federal Awards Subject to Uniform Grant Guidance) - Federal Procurement Manual for Maine School Units Administrative Procedure This Federal Procurement Manual governs the procurement and purchase of property, goods...
DB - Budget Development and Adoption
DB - Budget Development and Adoption The Board recognizes that financial resources and the proper management of the same are fundamental to the support of school programs and operations. With this in mind, the Board will develop and present an annual operati...
DM - Cash in School Building
DM - Cash in School Building A. Each school may maintain a school fund of monies raised or donated to that school. B. The annual District audit will include an audit of each school. Audits take place at the close of each school year. C. The principal shall...
DKC - Expense Authorization and Reimbursement
DKC - Expense Authorization and Reimbursement The Board recognizes that some District business expenses involve initial payment by a school system employee or a Board member and that such expenses may qualify for reimbursement. The purpose of this policy is ...
DID - Inventory of Capital Assets
DID - Inventory of Capital Assets A list of all District capital assets with a purchase price greater than $10,000 shall be maintained for financial reporting purposes. A capital asset is any asset with a useful life greater than one year. A capital asset w...
DK - Payment Policy
DK - Payment Policy It is the policy of the School Board to pay all valid invoices within thirty calendar days of the receipt of the invoice unless there is a justifiable business reason, as determined by the Superintendent, for extending the payment period. ...
DN - Property Disposal
DN - Property Disposal It is the will of the School Board that all property purchased for use by the School District be used in the most effective and efficient manner and that at the end of its useful life disposed of in accordance with state and federal law...
DJB - Purchase Orders
DJB - Purchase Orders The Board of Directors recognizes that goods and services are purchased throughout the year and require different options for purchasing power. In all cases, approval must be obtained by the Superintendent or designee. Purchase orders ...
DFA - Revenues From Investments
DFA - Revenues From Investments MSAD #35 considers an investment program a critical ingredient of sound fiscal management. The Board authorizes an investment program for the purpose of securing a maximum yield of interest revenues to supplement other revenue...
EBCF - Automated External Defibrillators (AEDS)
EBCF - Automated External Defibrillators (AEDS) The Board recognizes that from time to time medical emergencies may arise that warrant the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED). M.S.A.D. #35 may acquire one or more AEDs for use in its schools and a...
EBCC - Bomb Threats
EBCC - Bomb Threats The Board recognizes that bomb threats are a significant concern to MSAD #35. Whether real and carried out or intended as a prank or for some other purpose, a bomb threat represents a potential danger to the safety and welfare of students...
EBAA - Chemical Hazards
EBAA - Chemical Hazards M.S.A.D. #35 is committed to providing a safe environment for students and employees. It is the policy of M.S.A.D. #35 to follow safe practices in regard to the storage and handling of hazardous chemicals in its schools. M.S.A.D. #35 w...
EFE - Competitive Food Sales/Sales of Foods in Competition with the School Nutrition Program
EFE - Competitive Food Sales/Sales of Food in Competition with the School Nutrition Program The Board recognizes that proceeds from the sale of foods and beverages outside of the School Nutrition Program (“competitive foods”) are a significant source of funds...