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150 total results found
GCFA - Stipend (Extracurricular) Positions
GCFA - Stipend (Extracurricular) Positions All stipend position assignments are for one school year. For athletic stipends, the Athletic Administrator, in conjunction with the building Principal, will make recommendations to the Superintendent for the hiring ...
GCOA - Supervision and Evaluation of Professional Staff
GCOA - Supervision and Evaluation of Professional Staff A well-planned and systematic program of supervision and evaluation of performance tied to educational outcomes is vital to the ongoing improvement of the instructional program. It is the Board’s respon...
GCSB - Use of Social Media by School Employees
GCSB - Use of Social Media by School Employees The Board recognizes that social media sites have become important means of communication with potential pedagogical value. This policy sets forth expectations for school employees when using social media for sch...
Appendix A - Informed Consent/Decline for Hepatitis B Vaccination - Bloodborne Pathogen Policy
Appendix A - Informed Consent/Decline for Hepatitis B Vaccination I, the undersigned employee, have read information about Hepatitis B and the Hepatitis B vaccine. I understand that due to my occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious mate...
Appendix B - Universal Precautions - Bloodborne Pathogen Policy
Appendix B - Universal Precautions In order to provide a consistent approach in managing body substances from all students and staff, and reduce the risks of exposure to bloodborne pathogens, the practice of Universal Precautions shall be followed by all empl...
Appendix C - Medical Evaluation and Follow-Up - Bloodborne Pathogen Policy
Appendix C - Medical Evaluation and Follow-Up Employee Name: __________________________________________ Date of Exposure: _________________ To be completed by Health Care Provider: Blood collected and Tested: _______HBV ______HIV ______Declined Blood...
Under development! (Pardon the dust)
Section H of MSAD 35 Board Policies has no content at this time, but as it is created will be added here for view.
IJOC - Volunteer/Visitor Sign In Form
Please click the link below to access a printable PDF version of the IJOC – Volunteer/Visitor Sign In Form -------> IJOC-VolunteerVisitor-Sign-In.pdf
IHCD - Advanced College Placement
IHCD - Advanced College Placement It is the belief of the Board that any student who is capable of, and wishes to do, college-level work while in high school should be permitted to do so and given assistance in enrolling in advanced courses. Advanced placeme...
IHBAC - Child Find
IHBAC - Child Find M.S.A.D. #35 seeks to ensure that all children within its jurisdiction who are school-age, 5 and under the age of 22, and who are in need of special education and supportive assistance. This includes homeless children, state wards, state ag...
IIB - Class Size
IIB - Class Size The M.S.A.D. #35 Board of Directors is committed to maintaining class sizes that are consistent with Department of Education regulations. Further, the Board believes that there is a relationship between class size and pupil achievement that v...
IGA - Curriculum Development and Adoption
IGA - Curriculum Development and Adoption As defined in Maine Department of Education rules, “curriculum” means MSAD #35’s written document that sets forth the learning expectations for all students for all content areas of Maine’s system of Learning Results,...
IGA-R - Curriculum Development - Process for Change Recommendations
IGA-R - Curriculum Development - Process for Change Recommendations The Board’s policy on curriculum development encourages the participation of instructional staff. In order to provide a consistent method for consideration of suggestions for curriculum chang...
ILD - Educational Research: Student Submission To Surveys, Analyses, or Evaluations
ILD - Educational Research: Student Submission To Surveys, Analyses, or Evaluations In this policy, “surveys, analyses, or evaluations” refer to methods of gathering data for research purposes. No student shall be required as part of any program wholly or p...
IK - Evaluation of Student Achievement
IK - Evaluation of Student Achievement Effective evaluation of student achievement is essential to the instructional process, the certification of student progress towards meeting the content standards of the system of Learning Results, the tracking of progre...
IMBB - Exemption from Required Instruction
IMBB - Exemption from Required Instruction The curriculum of MSAD #35 is designed to reflect the learning expectations for all students in all content areas of the system of Learning Results, as well as other statutory and regulatory requirements and content ...
IJOA - Field Trips and Excursions
IJOA - Field Trips and Excursions The Board recognizes the educational value of field trips and excursions as a means of extending the curriculum and as a vehicle for encouraging and supporting student participation in academic, artistic and athletic competit...
IHBB - Gifted and Talented Education
IHBB - Gifted and Talented Education Philosophy The Board recognizes the importance of identifying students of unusual ability in the following areas: general intelligence, academic aptitude, creative thinking, or visual and performing arts. Identification i...
IMDB - Flag Displays
IMDB - Flag Displays In accordance with Maine state law, the United States and Maine flags are to be displayed from the public school buildings of this school unit every school day and on appropriate occasions. Further, the American flag is to be displayed in...
IKF - Graduation Requirements
IKF - Graduation Requirements Before entering high school, students need to know the performance standards and the requirements for attaining a high school diploma in order to plan an appropriate and sequential educational program to meet the diploma requirem...