GCFA - Stipend (Extracurricular) Positions
GCFA - Stipend (Extracurricular) Positions
All stipend position assignments are for one school year. For athletic stipends, the Athletic Administrator, in conjunction with the building Principal, will make recommendations to the Superintendent for the hiring and re-hiring of coaches on an annual basis.
New Varsity Coach Hiring Process
The Athletic Administrator and building principal will form a committee representative of the community that will act as a screening and advisory committee for any new varsity coaching vacancies. The committee will be notified of interview times and dates. The role of the committee will be advisory. The Athletic Administrator, in conjunction with the building Principal, will make the final recommendation to the Superintendent. The Superintendent’s decision shall be final.
Sub-Varsity Coach Hiring Process (including JV, Freshman, & Jr. High Teams)
The Athletic Administrator, Varsity Sport Head Coach, and building principal will review applications after the position has been posted. The Athletic Administrator, in conjunction with the building Principal, will make the final recommendation to the Superintendent. The Superintendent’s decision shall be final.
Rehiring Process
Coaches will be evaluated as stipulated in the Coach Evaluation Policy (GCFA-R).
The Athletic Administrator, with review by the principal, will make one of the following recommendations to the Superintendent at the end of the coach’s sport season:
- To rehire
- To rehire with an action plan in place to remedy areas of concern
- Not to rehire, and to open the position for new candidates
The Superintendent’s decision shall be final.
Non-Athletic Stipend Staff
Any employee interested in any non-athletic stipend positions shall apply by April 1 of the school year for the following year. The building principal will make a recommendation on each position to the Superintendent. If the recommended employee is currently under contract for the position, the building principal will make one of the following recommendations to the Superintendent:
- To rehire
- To rehire with an action plan in place to remedy areas of concern
- Not to rehire
The Superintendent’s decision shall be final.
Cross Reference: Athletic Coach Evaluations - GCFA-R
Policy Adopted: June 5, 2002
Policy Revised: August 15, 2007 and May 5, 2010