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JLDB - Student Assistance Teams(SAT)

JLDB - Student Assistance Teams(SAT)

The Student Assistance Teams (SAT) of MSAD #35, in schools utilizing the SAT, consist of caring professionals who identify, refer, and intervene in order to help “at risk” youths.

The SAT may serve students who are at risk for academic, social, and/or emotional failure. We are of the firm belief that all students deserve the opportunity to improve the quality of their lives, their academic standing in the school, and their sense of personal dignity.

The SAT provides a vehicle for the entire educational system to engage in a problem-solving process for the students’ best interests. 

The SAT will review the data, identify and prioritize issues, brainstorm and recommend interventions and strategies, and implement a plan of action. Outcomes of interventions will be reviewed regularly at follow-up SAT meetings.

Each student who is identified by the SAT will have a case manager. Recommendations, interventions, and outcomes are recorded and kept in a confidential manner. Essential documentation (referral form, action plan, and follow-up evaluations) will be maintained. The location of these files will be noted in the student’s cumulative record.

  • Parents will be informed of the referral of their child to the SAT (as well as the purpose and function of the SAT) at the earliest appropriate time. 
  • Parents will be invited to take an active role in the SAT process.
  • Parents’/students’ rights to privacy will be assured through compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. 


Section 504 P.L. 93-112 (Rehabilitation Act of 1973


Policy Adopted: November 2, 2005